Thursday, August 20, 2009


Every day, during my 1-hour commute, I listen to Classical WETA 90.9. I find that this music is more pleasant and more stimulating than anything else on the radio or on my CDs. I realize that after listening to it to and from work everyday for the past month or so, I haven't gotten tired from it and I've never had to change the station. There is so much variety with so high of a quality. On Tuesday, I was thinking about it and it was bringing tears to my eyes that there could be something so uplifting playing on the radio in these times. This radio station is listener-supported and doesn't play a whole bunch of ads or anything. So, I decided to go to the radio station's website and donate $50 to it. $50 is about how much we would spend on CDs in a year. I listen to this radio station more often than to the CDs, so I figured that it was a good amount.

On another note, I was watching the WETA channel on TV yesterday and a documentary on ice cream made me cry for a different reason. Thinking about how horrible everything tastes to me and how I don't enjoy eating anything like I used to enjoy eating ice cream caused a emotional breakdown. I was telling Steve about it and he decided to go to the grocery store for me to buy me some split pea soup and popsicles. I love him so much. I also am very appreciative that he's spending a lot of time applying for jobs. I really hope that he gets one: even if it means that we have to move to Alaska.


Merinda Reeder said...

If you can eat split pea soup, good for you. Blech. Of course, pregnant is the only time I've ever been able to enjoy cottage cheese. I'm sorry food is so yucky. With luck, a few weeks will change that.

Wendy K said...

I normally really like cottage cheese. But now I don't.

Cindy said...

We caved and joined the WMTV or whatever the PBS station for Annapolis is. When we joined we also purchased tickets for a group called Celtic Woman. We saw them at the Baltimore Hippodrome on St. Patrick's Day. They were fantastic and well worth the money. Good music is wonderful. Now I know what to put on a couple of CDs for the beach trip. About the food--you will return to normal before you know it.

Cindy said...

P.S. Don't move to Alaska.