Monday, May 10, 2010

Eight Weeks

I'm improving my mother skills each day as I can get her to sleep within 20 minutes of holding and moving her the right ways. During the day, she's been getting hungry about every 2 hours exactly making it easier on me to know when to expect to feed her. I've usually been able to get 2 hours of work in each day while she sleeps on me. At night, she gets hungry every four hours as I typically feed her at 9pm, 1am, and 5am.

Steve had been getting frustrated lately as he tended to get stuck with the baby when she's crying and he can't get her to stop. So now I make sure to give Steve more chances to hold her when she's happy and asleep so that he would feel happier with the baby. This has been working pretty well.

She has always been a strong baby and it appears that she is somewhat ahead for her age as she has already rolled over from both her back and her tummy!

It seems that her arms and legs are getting too long for some of her 0-3 month clothes, so I tried her in some of her 3-6 month clothes and some of those seem to fit! I'm curious to see her weight and length at her 2 month appointment next week.

The structural engineer basically said that the house that we had been looking at is in terrible condition, so we pulled out of the contract, and will resume looking at other houses.


Cindy said...

What a darling baby!!

Merinda Reeder said...

She is a sweet beauty.

Alison said...

I love that picture of Crystal smiling on the couch.

Karen said...

I can't believe she is so big already! She is so sweet. We can't wait to meet her.