Thursday, April 8, 2010

Club Foot

Steve got worried about the increase in yellow nastiness coming out of Crystal's eyes, so I took her to the pediatrician on Tuesday and he said that it is just from her clogged tear ducts and told me to massage them at her diaper changes. He also prescribed some optional eye drops and said that the problem could last for 4 months and wants to know if it is not gone by then. She was weighed at 9 lbs, 10 oz. Perfect growth.

The appointment with an orthopedic specialist was yesterday. He basically said that she has border-line club feet and wants me to stretch them at diaper changes for a month and then we'll go in for an appointment and if there hasn't been any improvement, she'll get the casts.

I've expressed some breast milk and given her a bottle a couple of times already in the past couple weeks. Having a bottle on hand was a life saver when we were in the waiting room for only 5 minutes and in the exam room at the orthopedic clinic. She was able to eat while the doctor looked at her feet.

Crystal has become more fussy lately as she sometimes have been crying when she's not hungry. I've found this to mean that she's tired even though no matter what I did, she wouldn't relax. I've found that letting her cry it out for 5 minutes by herself tires her enough so that she'll finally start relaxing after we pick her up.

We have a ratified contract on the house in North Brentwood and are going to sign the mortgage application for it at the lenders this afternoon. Meanwhile, our agent is trying to get the seller to turn on the utilities for the inspection.


Sari said...

What exactly is club foot?

Wendy K said...

Looks like this:

click for pic

But hers is not nearly as bad

Wendy K said...

See Wikipedia article

Wendy K said...

See Crystal's foot

Cindy said...

It will be fine. It is good that your doctor caught it early so that you can try some things before extreme measures will be needed.