Monday, July 6, 2009

The Answer is: Yes I am.

It appears that I am 5 weeks pregnant. Steve and I had been married for 4 years before we figured that we could finally afford children soon. We got pregnant during the fourth month off the pill. We weren't exactly trying very hard as we were both still terrified of the idea.

Last Thursday, I thought it was normal for me to be 4 days late on my period. My stress and anxiety has made my period up to 10 days late before and an airplane ride has made me skip a period altogether.

When I visited the health center for a urinary track infection, my urine was tested and the nurse told me that I am pregnant. I was stunned. I hadn't noticed any other symptoms. Logically, it would've been possible to get pregnant since I had been off the pill for 4 months. Psychologically, I expected to continue life as it was and never get pregnant.

So, at first, I was in disbelief at the news. Soon after, I was happy and excited. I wanted to immediately tell the whole world. It would be weird to just go up to someone and blurt out "I'm pregnant!" so my plan is to wait until some comes to me and asks, "what's new?" I'm not going to first wait for the baby to survive the first trimester to tell anyone. I hate it when people do that! So I'll just tell everyone when/if the baby doesn't survive also. So what? I feel like my feelings would be hurt more if I kept it to myself than if I told everyone. Though, I've always hated receiving sympathy from others.

I'm almost half-way through the first trimester and I am near symptomless. I haven't had any nausea and I don't hate food any more than I already did. This is good since morning sickness is, reportedly, the worst symptom of pregnancy. I've only had some slight heartburn and I generally feel a little different. I was already eating 6 small meals a day and was getting my daily folic acid, so I didn't really need to change any of my routine.

Anyways, I have an appointment in the late afternoon today and I don't expect to learn anything new.


Emily said...

Congratulations! I thought we'd get this post sooner or later. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to bring it up at church or not, so now I know we can chat about it. It's nice that you don't have morning sickness yet, and maybe you'll be lucky enough to not have it. That would be awesome. Mine started being bad around 7-8 weeks, and for some reason worsened at 12-13 weeks. But now at 20 weeks seems to be mostly gone! Hopefully you'll have a wonderfully uneventful pregnancy. We are so excited for you guys. We'll see how visiting teaching goes from now on!

Merinda Reeder said...

Congratulations and wahooo.
I'm happy for you, and glad for you that you're feeling fine, though I have plenty of nausea at the very idea of playing the piano in primary on Sunday. :)

Wendy K said...

Merinda, I was expecting you to say "hot diggity!" If you can think of anyone else to play the piano, feel free to ask them instead. I could only think of you or Emily R. I thought it would be more fun to put you in the seat.

Cindy said...

Let's hope that feeling fine lasts a long time. Congratulations to you (and to me). I really love being a grandma! You will both be great parents.