Oh how do I love salad! It's one of the only things that makes a lunch actually makes me feel full and satisfied!
Wendy's tips for eating healthy:
1. Leave the chips and cakes at the store. When you get hungry mid-morning, there's nothing wrong with having a small lunch at 10:30 and then another lunch at 1:00 and then another lunch at 3:30.
2. Leave the ice cream at the store. When you're hankering for something sweet, reach for an apple! They are so sweet, crisp, and juicy!
3. Thirsty? Drink some water, duh! If you don't like the taste of plain, filtered water, there is something wrong with you and you need to get over it.
4. If you are really hungry and your only/fastest option is the nearest Burger King, then don't get fries and don't get a soda, instead: get both a burger and a chicken sandwich and a cup of water. Then, don't let it happen again by packing 4 granola bars in your purse/bag for the next eating emergency and think ahead before you leave anywhere and pack a sandwich and apple if you anticipate hunger.
5. Never go to any Olive Garden, TGIF Fridays, etc. unless you're celebrating something (3 times a year) and feel free to eat anything you want: just drink only water and don't get a dessert.
6. Go to the grocery store 2 times a week to ensure a continuous supply of fresh lettuce and bananas.